2019 Goals & Resolutions | Lucy Goes To Hollywood

There’s no denying that 2018 was a very successful year for Lucy Goes To Hollywood. I met so many wonderful film fans, started writing for Jumpcut Online, frequently collaborated with podcasts such as Filmotomy, At The Flicks and Cinemania, and attended a variety of film screenings and events. I never thought I’d be able to achieve all of that in such a short space of time, … Continue reading 2019 Goals & Resolutions | Lucy Goes To Hollywood

A critique of toxic workplace culture: my thoughts on “Broken Ceiling”

Rating: ★★★★ We’ve all had to endure conference calls at work, and we all know how boring they can be. When I realised that Broken Ceiling takes place almost entirely within a conference call, I was worried that they wouldn’t be able to keep my attention for a full hour and a half. However, I’m pleased to say I was wrong! Broken Ceiling is Adam Davis’ first … Continue reading A critique of toxic workplace culture: my thoughts on “Broken Ceiling”

LKFF Review: “The Witness”

Rating: ★★★★★ Cho Kyu-Jang’s cat-and-mouse thriller is definitely one of my favourites from this year’s London Korean Film Festival. The film follows businessman Sang-hoon as he drunkenly returns to his apartment one evening, only to witness a horrific murder right outside his complex. Before he has a chance to call for help, the killer looks up, and the two make eye contact. Paralysed by fear, he chooses not … Continue reading LKFF Review: “The Witness”

“Ekaj”: A gritty, raw portrait of a teenage runaway

Rating: ★★★ 1/2   When I was first introduced to Ekaj, I genuinely thought it was a documentary. The realisation that it was in fact a work of fiction took me by surprise, and this is a testament to the directing style of Cati Gonzalez. She has gone to great lengths to make this film feel as real as possible. None of the actors in the film … Continue reading “Ekaj”: A gritty, raw portrait of a teenage runaway

A haunting look at fame, love and addiction: My thoughts on “A Star Is Born”

Rating: ★★★★ As a fan of both Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper, I was intrigued when a new remake of A Star Is Born was announced. Despite not having seen either of its predecessors, I vaguely knew what the story was about and was interested by the chosen pairing, especially since this is Cooper’s directorial debut. I went into this film with an open heart and mind. … Continue reading A haunting look at fame, love and addiction: My thoughts on “A Star Is Born”

“Venom”: It’s not as bad as you might think…

Rating: ★★★ It feels like everyone has something to say about Venom. Amongst critics and fans, it’s caused a lot of debate and controversy. Whenever this happens, I tend to find myself becoming even more curious about the film because if everyone else has strong words to say, maybe I will too? Before I begin my review I just want to put in a quick disclaimer: I … Continue reading “Venom”: It’s not as bad as you might think…