Short Film Saturdays: “The First Date”

Rating:  ★★★★ 1/2 Running at only 5 minutes, The First Date isn’t wasting any time and I was curious to see how the story would play out. The film follows an unnamed man as he arrives at a restaurant, waiting to meet a woman for a first date. At first he thinks she’s stood him up, but it’s soon revealed something much more sinister is afoot. Director Adam … Continue reading Short Film Saturdays: “The First Date”

“Ekaj”: A gritty, raw portrait of a teenage runaway

Rating: ★★★ 1/2   When I was first introduced to Ekaj, I genuinely thought it was a documentary. The realisation that it was in fact a work of fiction took me by surprise, and this is a testament to the directing style of Cati Gonzalez. She has gone to great lengths to make this film feel as real as possible. None of the actors in the film … Continue reading “Ekaj”: A gritty, raw portrait of a teenage runaway

Short Film Saturdays: “61 Hugs: The Rehabilitation of an Overthinker”

Rating: ★★★★★ Hugging 61 strangers you encounter on the street. Hands up if that would terrify you. Yep, same. It’s no secret to any of you that I struggle with anxiety,  which made the premise of CK Goldiing‘s documentary even more fascinating to me. I’m sometimes scared to hug people I know, let alone strangers. Describing himself as an overthinker, CK ventures out onto the streets of Sheffield … Continue reading Short Film Saturdays: “61 Hugs: The Rehabilitation of an Overthinker”

Lucy Goes to Film Screenings: My thoughts on “Charismata”

  Rating: ★★★★ Recently, I was invited to a private film screening in Soho. I’m grateful that I got this opportunity and that I got to talk to some of the people involved with Charismata. It was a lovely evening and I want to say a huge thank you to the cast and crew for having me! I went into Charismata completely blind, all I knew was that it … Continue reading Lucy Goes to Film Screenings: My thoughts on “Charismata”

Short Film Saturdays: “Dinner”

Rating: ★★★ I was sent a screener copy of this film by director Sarah Appleton. First off, thank you so much for trusting me and allowing me to review your film! It always makes me happy when a new film finds its way into my inbox. Something I really admire about Dinner is the fact that it takes huge risks as a film. It’s often difficult … Continue reading Short Film Saturdays: “Dinner”