The Solitude Stigma: Why going to the cinema alone doesn’t make you a ‘loser’

Disclaimer: Before I go into any detail, I want to preface this article by reminding you that these are my experiences (and those of the people I’ve referenced). I’m not trying to speak for everyone here, but I believe this is a valid problem that exists in society so I wanted to address it.    Would anyone be interested in reading an article about my … Continue reading The Solitude Stigma: Why going to the cinema alone doesn’t make you a ‘loser’

“They’re all gonna laugh at you!” – Social Anxiety and Blogging

  The above quote was taken from Carrie (1976). I thought it was fitting.  – I appreciate this blog entry is different to my usual content, but I wanted to share a little more about my personal life with you all. For those who also suffer from social anxiety, you’ll definitely understand that it interferes with your life in many ways. It can’t be switched off, and … Continue reading “They’re all gonna laugh at you!” – Social Anxiety and Blogging

Personal Essay: Why I’m Proud to be a Horror Fan

   A Q&A with director Adam Green, and freebies from Film4 Frightfest 2013 Sometimes, when you tell people you’re a huge fan of horror films, they give you a look as if to say “…why?”. Some people are a lot more vocal about it and will openly tell you that they find it weird. The fact the genre gets such a bad name is pretty disappointing, and … Continue reading Personal Essay: Why I’m Proud to be a Horror Fan