Introducing: Mental Health Mondays

Earlier today I wrote a tweet introducing you to my new column, but I thought it was right to do a full blog post so you can understand exactly where I’m going with this. There’s only so much you can say on Twitter! What is Mental Health Mondays? For a while, I’ve been thinking of a way to open up a conversation and allow other … Continue reading Introducing: Mental Health Mondays

Smashbomb App: My review and walkthrough

With so many apps on the market, it’s difficult to know which ones are actually worth your time. I’m sure most of us have downloaded something, only to be disappointed with the results. Smashbomb is an app made for fans of film, TV, gaming, podcasts, books and more. I’ll be walking you through the film side of things, but most of what I’m about to … Continue reading Smashbomb App: My review and walkthrough

A film with a view: watching “Up” at Rooftop Film Club

* I attended this event for free, in exchange for a full and honest review. *   Every now and then I’m lucky enough to attend film events. On April 30th I had the opportunity to attend the first Rooftop Film Club screening of 2019, on the roof of Bussey Building in Peckham. The screen, surrounded by balloons – a nice hint at the film … Continue reading A film with a view: watching “Up” at Rooftop Film Club

♫ This review’s gonna get stuck inside your… ♫ : My thoughts on “The Lego Movie 2”

Rating: ★★★ 1/2 5 years after the release of the first Lego Movie, these lovable characters are back with a brand new adventure. I had such a blast with the original so I was interested to see how they’d continue the story. In The Lego Movie 2 the residents of Bricksburg are faced with a new threat, soon seeing the city they love destroyed by aliens from Duplo. … Continue reading ♫ This review’s gonna get stuck inside your… ♫ : My thoughts on “The Lego Movie 2”

2019 Goals & Resolutions | Lucy Goes To Hollywood

There’s no denying that 2018 was a very successful year for Lucy Goes To Hollywood. I met so many wonderful film fans, started writing for Jumpcut Online, frequently collaborated with podcasts such as Filmotomy, At The Flicks and Cinemania, and attended a variety of film screenings and events. I never thought I’d be able to achieve all of that in such a short space of time, … Continue reading 2019 Goals & Resolutions | Lucy Goes To Hollywood