FILM REVIEW: Richard Jewell
Rating: ★★★ 1/2
I wasn’t aware of Richard Jewell’s story until I saw a trailer for Clint Eastwood’s film. But the fact it was based on reality made it even more compelling.
Rating: ★★★ 1/2
I wasn’t aware of Richard Jewell’s story until I saw a trailer for Clint Eastwood’s film. But the fact it was based on reality made it even more compelling.
Rating: ★★★★★
Beyond the classic titles, my knowledge of the war film genre isn’t wonderful. That’s why I was so stunned when Sam Mendes’ 1917 ended up being one of the best films I’ve ever seen.
I’ve never collaborated with anyone on a written review before, but the idea came to me after seeing trailers for Le Mans ’66. (aka Ford v Ferrari in the US… a much better title!)
Continue reading “FILM REVIEW: Le Mans ’66 (+ analysis by Josh Wood)”
With so many apps on the market, it’s difficult to know which ones are actually worth your time. I’m sure most of us have downloaded something, only to be disappointed with the results. Smashbomb is an app made for fans of film, TV, gaming, podcasts, books and more. I’ll be walking you through the film side of things, but most of what I’m about to … Continue reading Smashbomb App: My review and walkthrough
Rating: ★★★ 1/2 Ever since Captain Marvel was announced, it dominated social media for a number of reasons. People were either hyped, or couldn’t wait to slag it off. As a casual superhero fan I was interested to see what all the fuss was about, and how Brie Larson would perform in the titular role. Ever since I saw her in Room, I’ve been so impressed by … Continue reading An action-packed mix of super powers, solidarity and cats: My thoughts on “Captain Marvel”
Rating: ★★★ 1/2 We’ve all had holidays that didn’t go according to plan, but George Ratliff’s new thriller takes this idea to a whole new level. Welcome Home follows couple Cassie and Bryan as they travel to Italy together. They’ve rented a secluded, spacious home for a few days, so they can spend some quality time together. So far, so simple. However, it’s soon revealed that they’ve been … Continue reading The holiday from hell: A review of “Welcome Home”
Rating: ★★★ Deciding to have a baby is a big step in many couples’ lives, but sometimes, things don’t always go according to plan. Carlos Marques-Marcet’s Anchor and Hope follows two lesbian women who, one drunken night, decide to use their friend’s sperm in order to have a child of their own. It’s not a decision that should be taken lightly, but makes for an interesting story nonetheless. Insemination is … Continue reading “Anchor and Hope”: A heart-wrenching portrait of parenthood & sexuality
In my first ever live radio appearance, I spoke to Marcus, Laura and David from Shoot The Breeze about a bunch of films, my blog, and my top 5 scariest characters in film and TV. It was an absolute blast to speak with these guys, and it’s not too bad for my very first live show! I’m quite proud of how it turned out, and I … Continue reading Collabs: Shoot The Breeze with Marcus, Laura and David: S3E7 Lucy Buglass from Lucy Goes To Hollywood